Thursday, February 08, 2007

Flock is Cool!

Flock: The Social Web Browser.

So I discovered a web browser that I like even better FireFox.

I can have all my flickr pictures (or someone else's) at the top - you can click the '[wordcast] blog this' [translate 'wordcast this'] button and click and drag stuff into a toolbar at the bottom to collect pictures, text, etc in the web browser without 'going' to your is cool.

I like it - like mint chocolate chip ice cream...that's right, the cheap green kind that you get in a generic brand with the old-school chips...not the fancy 'shaved' chololcate that is so popular nowadays.

Anyhow. My opinion: Wordcasting with flock is easier. check it out and give me your review.

Does anyone else use it?  Is this new only to me?!


Anonymous said...

never used should ask everyone for the ice cream type of stuff for your birthday - which just passed for all those who missed it...milk that day for all it's worth.

Anonymous said...

I love that no-food-should-be-this-green mint chocolate chip icecream!!! It's the best! For sure. I mean, I enjoy others, but they're just not the same.

(Sorry... my comment has absolutely nothing to do with the thing that you requested feedback on. So... I have never heard of Flock. Thus, it is also new to me.)

Anonymous said...

I did use it but it kept crashing and we kept hearing how great it was going to be and how it would revolutionise the web. In short its just Firefox with a skin and a few plugins.