Friday, February 09, 2007

"Wordcast"- Stolen by Sci-Fi Nuts, Christians, and Jonathan Fox!

Well - wordcast sounded like a better option than blogging - but we've been beaten to the proverbial punch by some unlikely contenders. And the first one is a doozy.

In first place, with "" are the strange stylings of the "Arthur C. Clarke Egogram. That's right, it's Arthur's blog.

To summarize his year: he's ninety now, missing his Chihuahua, and believes the Golden Age of space travel is yet ahead of us, including, "fee-paying passengers will be experiencing sub-orbital flights aboard privately funded passenger vehicles, built by a new generation of engineer-entrepreneurs with an unstoppable passion for space."

Most interesting to ME however was this quote: "I am very encouraged by the wide-spread acceptance of the Space Elevator, which can make space transport cheap and affordable to ordinary people. This daring engineering concept, which I popularised in The Fountains of Paradise (1978), is now taken very seriously," can anyone say, corridor of glory?

And the runners-up:

Christian Music broadcasting = "Word-Casting"

And bringing up third place: this guy.

If we want to unite and start a wordcast union - it will make for unlikely company.


Brent Steeno said...

ya but look "wikipedia" and you will see who came up with the word first.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kyle,

I'd be careful before you go around saying people "Stole" the name "Wordcast" Ive been using it on my blog for over a year and I was tring to think of a written alternative to Podcast. Leo Laporte does a similar thing with his TWIT (This week in tech) show by calling them NETcasts.

As It happens I want to change my blog name and move it to its own domain but I can assure you it was not Stolen. Call it parallel evolution.

Geez, next thing I know I'll have some other guy in Middle America saying I cant use my name because its owned by "X" number of other people around the world.